Friday 15 November 2019


We all know that we are in a world of science and technology. as an institution we got an honor of being given the education of using technology in our vehicles so that we can be alert any time something bad want's to happen. it was a presentation on how we can install secret devices in our vehicles against theft whenever it is stolen it will be easy to be found as all vehicles will be installed with GPS Tracking system. as Milambo community we enjoyed the education and asked lots of questions for more elaboration. that is how the event was operated.
 some of milambo teachers listening to the tehama instructor

Wednesday 30 October 2019

how to make bread flour for selling

To the inexperienced baker, "bread flour" and "all-purpose flour" may at first seem to be the same thing. In fact, bread flour is a special type of flour made from hard, high-protein wheat. This gives it a high gluten content and a "stronger," denser feel once it's baked. While bread flour isn't common in all kitchens, it's easy to make substitutes from the flour you do have lying around.

1.  Buy or order vital wheat gluten. For this recipe, you'll need only two ingredients: all-purpose flour and vital wheat gluten. All-purpose flour can be purchased at nearly any grocery store. However, you may need to make a trip to a health food store or a baking supply store to find vital wheat gluten.[1]
  • Alternatively, if you can stand to wait, vital wheat gluten is easily available for order online. Either way, it is not especially expensive — a small bag should cost less than $10.[2]
  • You won't need more than a few teaspoons of vital wheat gluten for most bread recipes.
  • Image titled Make Bread Flour Step 2
    Measure out the all-purpose flour for your recipe. Look at the recipe to see how much bread flour is required. Measure out this much all-purpose flour instead. Pour this flour into a mixing bowl separate from the other ingredients. 
    Image titled Make Bread Flour Step 3
    Add one teaspoon vital wheat gluten per cup of flour. This converts all-purpose flour to a form that can be used just like bread flour. This ratio scales proportionally.
    • For instance, if your recipe calls for 2 1/2 cups of bread flour, you would add 2 1/2 teaspoons vital wheat gluten to 2 1/2 cups of all-purpose flour.
      Add a small amount of whole wheat flour. This step isn't essential, but a little wheat flour works well as a binding agent and gives the bread a subtle "nutty" flavor. Add no more than 1/2 teaspoon per cup of all-purpose flour so as not to affect the total volume of your dry ingredients.
      Mix well. Sift the ingredients above together in the bowl. Once they are well incorporated, you will be left with a substance you can use in place of bread flour.
      • The gluten in the new flour substitute will give the final product a denser, "stronger" bread than you would have otherwise. Don't be alarmed if your bread turns out with a slightly different texture than it had before.

How to Make and Print Your Own Calendar

1st Step: Choosing Images for Your Calendar
You need to decide what images you want to use. This will help determine the size and shape of your calendar. All my images are vertical, however, that’s not a typical calendar format. Most calendars are horizontal, but if you’re making your own it can be any shape you want!

2nd Step: Choosing a Size
What size do you want your calendar to be? You can make a desktop, or a wall hung calendar. My calendar is a wall hung, but it’s on the smaller size at 5.5″ x 11.5″.  Most calendars fall in the range of 12″ wide and 10″ to 13″ long. If you decide to print your images on the back of the previous month then when you open it up to hang it could be 26″ in length. I have also seen calendars even larger then this.
Noteworthy: The first time I made a calendar I guessed at a size, and then asked my printer how many he could fit on a sheet to see if I should adjust it to maximize the space. I later discovered most of my customers really liked the size I made them. They were bigger then a desktop calendar but small enough to fit in small spaces on the walls or shelf in their house.

3rd Step: Choosing Single or Double Sided Print
Do you want your calendar to be printed on the same page as your image or on the back? I intentionally made my calendars with the images and the dates all on one side so that the images could be repurposed once they were done being used as a calendar. This also factored into the size of my calendar. I knew I wasn’t going to make a standard wall hung calendar which lead me to completely design my own.

4th Step: Choosing Software to Design a Calendar 
You can completely design your own calendar. You just need to know how to use the software to do so. There’s lots of software out there that can do this! I used photoshop and I drew it up from scratch with no guidelines, however there are many templates out there for you to use if you need them.
If you don’t have access to your own software then I would suggest using Canva. Its a fantastic free service, full of templates, and tutorials.
Designing the first month took me awhile to create. After deciding on the size of my calendar I had to make the grid for the dates. This took me the longest to draw up, but once the first month was made I could just copy and paste. I did have to pay extra attention to where I put the dates to make sure they were correct for each month.

5th Step: Choosing Cover Stock for Your Calendar
Before printing your calendar you need to decide on the paper you want to use. What kind of finish do you want? You can choose from matte, satin, lust, and glossy cover stock. You also need to decide on the weight of your cover. The larger the weight the thicker the paper will be. You can also print your calendar on different textured paper such as smooth, textured, linen, and more. Lastly, paper can come in different brightness of white.
A typical calendar would be printed on smooth textured, bright white, satin or glossy cover with the weight of 80 lb.
My calendar is printed on a smooth textured, bright white, satin finish, with the weight of 120 lb making the calendar stronger and less flimsy then a regular store bought calendar.
IMPORTANT: Know the size, finish, weight, texture, and brightness of the cover stock you want to print your calendar on before going to any print service.
Note: Cover stock is what paper is called in businesses that make and sell paper products.

6th Step: How Many Calendars Should You Make?
Before choosing a printer it’s important to know how many calendars you want to print. The more you order the less expensive each calendar will be. This is important to keep in mind when deciding on a print service. Typically the price of a calendar will decrease with every 50 prints you order at one time.
It’s also equally important to recognize calendars have a short shelf-life for selling. The window for selling them is only 3-5 month. So if you are looking to sell them you don’t want to have leftovers, but at the same time you want to order as much as you can sell to bring the price of printing them down.

7th Step: Choosing a Print Service
Once you know the design of your calendar, have an idea of the cover stock you want to use, and how many you want to print, then it’s time to shop for a print service!

Monday 28 October 2019

Her ex-boyfriend had multiple personality disorder.

I had a boyfriend with Dissociative Identity Disorder (formerly known as multiple personality disorder, or split personalities). On numerous occasions, I watched him switch identities right in front of me. He only knew of three identities, but I counted at least four. At one point, he switched WHILE we were having sex to his most insane identity — I was on top and looked down at him, and he had this creepy smile and I just knew. Fucking terrifying. Anyway, one of his personalities was female, and after a time of identifying as various stages of bi/gay, he finally decided/realized that he truly felt like a woman, and has been undergoing sexual reassignment therapy for the last few years.

This guy stole someone else’s identity and hasn’t looked back since.

I am not who I am. Back in 1990s I walked out of a hospital with another patient’s identity and have been living as that person ever since. At that time I already did not have any next of kin and no, I do not know what ever happened to the person I took documents from. I have been living in a different country and I had been issued passports in the name of that person twice already, I had submitted my biometric data and as I had no problem obtaining the passports I assume that my identity donor is most probably dead and gone. I am not a criminal and I am a sort of wealthy expat businessman here with a permanent residence permit. I had never been to my homeland since and am working on obtaining citizenship here.

Seems they didn’t really go over their past history before deciding to marry one another.

Before our wedding my husband to be and I were going through our old school pictures, his class picture from 1st grade was the same as mine, he was standing right behind me. I should mention that my family moved 200 miles away when I was in 3rd grade, I met my husband when we were in college.

He knew Barack Obama before he became president.

I played basketball with Barack Obama before he was a big deal, he was just standing there watching me andmy friends play a game of 21 and I look over and he smiles really big I thought he was a weird for a while and my first impression was “man that guy has a big head” and than our game gets done, he comes right over and asks if he could join in, I think he might have been in his 30s at the time. He was a good team player and the type of person that you automatically want to be friends with never saw him after that. He never said what he did or what his profession was but we talked casually and he left a great impression on me

This guy just doesn’t feel like husband material to me.

I met a guy online. Fell in love. We were a couple for five or so months, began to make plans to meet. Before that could happen, his sister was killed in a car accident. Meeting plans were put on hold. He started to pull away. I went to Baton Rouge with the Red Cross after hurricane Katrina. While there, I found out I was being catfished. I then revenge fucked another guy I knew from online for a couple days. He turned out to be a top-notch douche. I went home and called my catfisher. There was no car accident, his sister was alive, and it was basically a panicked attempt to delay meeting. I ended up eventually forgiving him. I flew across the country, met him, and fell in love in person. I moved out there a couple months later. Everything was amazing, we were so happy. For a year. Then he moved for his job, and despite his protests (I loved where we lived and had a great job), followed him. Three weeks later he came to my apartment after work one day. He broke down in tears, and told me he was getting married that weekend in an arranged marriage. Thirty-six hours later I watched him get on a plane and haven’t seen him since. Tomorrow is his seventh wedding anniversary.

A horrible ending to high school.

My high school boyfriend died a day before I turned 18, the day I was going to pack up my stuff, we were going to elope and run away to North Dakota (he worked there and had been living there for two months at this point). He was older, handsome, ex-military and I adored him. He called me from the road and we exchanged the following words before he passed: Me – “I love you, I look forward to seeing you tonight. You mean the world to me, you are my everything.” Him – “I love you, too. I’d die a happy man if those words were the last words I ever heard.” His phone records showed that was the last conversation he had on his phone, he was hit by a drunk driver less than five minutes later.

Not your average life, that’s for sure!

I unknowingly installed webcams, computers and Internet access into a 10-room mansion for a wealthy business executive who was importing 18 y/o boys from Thailand to be his pets. It took about 2 months to complete the whole project and he would always take me out to get hotdogs for lunch. I’ve been hunted across the country by the FBI. (They found me, no need to re-find me!) I was at a rave once when a drive-by occurred and I dove behind a giant propane tank for protection. I went from making $20k/yr to $150k/yr in one phone call and 3 days later.

Bad luck seems to follow her everywhere.

I have three dead exes. One died when he was 25 from a car accident, one when he was 30 from a ‘mysterious illness’, and another one was stabbed 40 times by his girlfriend’s jealous ex. He was 18. I also lost my virginity to a dude with a glass eye who went to jail for rape.

He witnessed his friend get eaten by a crocodile.

I’ve posted this before but here we go again. When we were younger we would play a game where we would throw a pot lid as far as we could into the water and someone would have to fetch it. Basically like playing fetch with your dog. The kid who would win was the one who swum the furthest. One day, a kid through the lid really far but the other kid was determined to get it. He swum out really far and then bam. The crocodile got him and dragged him underwater.

Her car was struck by lightning.

On my way home from school about 7 years ago, I was sitting at a very busy intersection waiting to turn left. It was very gloomy outside. All of a sudden, it sounded and felt like the back of my car exploded. There was also a quick, very bright light that flashed in my rear view mirror. I panicked, and noticed immediately after that the stoplights stopped working, and it also began to rain. I looked out in the distance, and saw a lightning strike. I also looked on either side of me where there was a ton of traffic, and everyone was staring at me like this. That’s right, I was struck by lightning.

Maybe this guy needs smarter friends?

Long story short: I was asleep at a friends, a kid who was there thought my friends .45 cal hand gun was a “BB gun”, he shot me in the left ass cheek, severed femoral vein, damaged femoral artery, life support for a week and a half, three 8 hour surgeries, permanent femoral vein to femoral vein bypass (fake vein) and a little over a year later I’m back on my feet on my way to being normal again.

How does one have such bad luck?

Mentioned this before on this sub, but my life is akin to a bad pun at times. I was carrying my skis, slipped on some ice, and fell down. I asked a passing girl if she could lend me a hand with the skis while I got up. She then told me she had no arms, and proceeded to wave her empty coat sleeves around as proof. I just kind of fumbled to get up whilst apologizing profusely. She giggled and walked away.

This is what happens when a gorilla is eternally grateful to you.

My husband had the opportunity to operate on a gorilla’s knee once. They have essentially the same anatomy as humans, so they ask human physicians to operate on them in many major zoos. It was really cool, and afterwards they gave him a painting done by the gorilla as thanks. Apparently the gorilla was going through some adolescent rank-wars with other male gorillas and had his knee battered and bitten (through the meniscus!). I know, it’s his story, not mine, but he doesn’t get on the Internet, and I think it’s super cool and I’m really proud of him.

This guy might be a ninja

In college I had a bunked bed with my desk under it. I was in bed reaching for my cell on the desk and lost my balance, fell off the bed, did a full flip and landed in a perfect sitting position in my chair unharmed. My roommate witnessed everything but nobody believed us.

A chilling romance

I met a guy online. We emailed and messaged (this was before texting was a thing) and went out a few times. I liked him but wasn’t sure about it. He called me pretty regularly (again, this was pre-texting). One day, no calls. That night I called and left him a message. No return call. I called his work the next day, and he hadn’t shown up. I called the police, who did a well-person check at his house but he wasn’t there. I wasn’t there. The next day the police called me back — they’d found his body. He’d been murdered by one of his neighbors and I had to testify at the trial.

The product of a very creepy affair

My dad was married 2 times before my mom. When he was with his second wife, he would travel a lot for work. One night he came home to find his wife in bed with another man. Actually walked in on them. He left the room and came back with a gun. Shot the man dead, and wounded his wife. He turned himself in immediately and was sent to prison. He was sentenced to 10 years in a maximum security prison. In the last year he was in prison (which was the 4th year, he got out for good behavior, and since the judge ruled it a crime of passion), he met the prison minister. The prison minister was my mom. My dad is a murderer, my mom was the minister. I am the product of a conjugal visit.

Sunday 27 October 2019


Dunia ni kama kitabu usipotembea utaishia kusoma ukurusa mmoja tu hasa wa mbele. Ni kweli tumekuwa na jamii ya watu aina mbalimbali ambao wengi wanapenda kuletewa Mambo au vitu walipo, kusikia bila kutafiti na ndio mwishoni kugeuzwa kuwa vibaraka was wanao penda kutembea ili kutafuta fursa. Kuna wakati unaeza jikuta unajilaumu kuwa huna bahati kimbe fursa yako haiko hapo ulipo ipo kijiji Cha pili toka hapo ulipo au mkoa mwingine hata wilaya au nchi nyingine. Tumepewa uwezo wa kufikiri na Uhuru wa kufanya tupendalo japo wengi wamekua waoga wa maisha na kuogopa kujaribu fursa mbalimbali kwa kushikiria walichonacho bila kujua Kuna wakati kubwa zaidi linakungoja mbele. Maisha ni kuamua na wahenga walisema penye Nia pana njia. Tupende kutembea ili tujifunze na kuona mengi kuweza kupata wigo was fursa mbalimbali zilizo tuzunguka. LIPIA GHARAMA YA MAFANIKIO YAKO


Na rafiki mmoja wa ukubwani maarufu Kama "kichwa adimu a.k.a Messi" alipenda sana kujiuliza swali why always me??? Ni swali jepesi Sana ila pana zaidi kwa wanao fikiri vyema. Katika jamii zetu pana watu hawatotaka kabisa uendelee kimaisha, wanaweza kuwa marafiki zako, wafanyakazi wenzio au hata ma bosi zako mda mwingine. Watakukatisha tamaa na kukurudisha nyuma kwa Visa nguvu nyingi sana katika Safari yako. Lakini mtu huyu alinifundisha kusema neno Hilo why always me huku akisema tabasamu mbele zao natimiza wajibu wako siku zote ipo siku utasonga mbele na wao kubaki nyuma wakijiuliza why him?? Dunia ina mengi ila wanadamu wana mengi zaidi usihangaike kupambana nao kwani mti wenye matunda haukosi kupigwa mawe mengi. Fundisho penda adui zako zaidi kuliko marafiki na utafika mbali Sana. Nakukumbuka rafiki yangu'kichwa adimu" WHY ALWAYS ME

Saturday 26 October 2019


Tumekuwa tuna pata shida Sana pale ambapo flash zetu zinajaa virus, na kufikia wakati hazifanyi kazi na kulazimika kununua mpya. Kila unapoweka kwenye computer yako inakuandika format disk au insert disk au disk unreadable. Nini chakufanya hiki fuata hatua zifuatazo na flash yako inapona kabisa. 1. Chomeka flash kwenye computer yako Kisha nenda upande was chini kushoto Kuna kitufe Cha kusearch Kisha andika neno"CMD" na piga ok.

2. Andika neno disk part Kisha piga ok
3. Andika neno list disk na piga ok
4. Zitakuja local disk c, d pamoja na ya flash yako angalia kwa makini flash yako namba ngapi na Kisha andika neno select disk3 Kama flash yako imejipanga namba tatu labda.
5. Andika neno clean na piga ok
6. Andika create partition primary piga ok
7. Andika format file system=fat32 quick na piga ok
8. Utaona flash yako imefunguka upya.
Karibuni Tena kwa darasa lijalo


Sometimes in life we a very busy looking forward struggling for money. But we forget that you can't chase money but what we need to do is to create various means that will help you money comes on your side. If your a teacher you can publish various online articles, provide online lessons and you will get paid for that. Always look upon your talent and make the most out of it. Talent pays and they change your future only if we use them carefully.

Friday 25 October 2019


Pana mtu mmoja alidharaulika sana na jamii yake nakuonwa Hana thamani kabisa hasa na waliomzunguka. Hawakuelewa kwamba Kila mwanadamu ameumbwa na kusudi lake. Alisali sana na kuendelea kufanya mambo yake kimya kimya. Hats siku moja hakuwahi kukasirika nasura yake muda wote ilijaa tabasamu na kuzidi kuuwa penda watu jamii yake. Baada ya muda mrefu mungu alisikia kilio chake na kumfungulia milango ya matanikio. Na hivi Sasa ameanza lengo lake alilopangiwa na mungu na anahidi kuwapenda kuwajali na kuwasaidia woye. Fundisho wanadamu wote ni Kama rangi Kila moja inaumuhimu wake na itakusaidia mahali ukamilishe mchoro wako. Usimdharau mtu yeyote maisha ni safari na sote ni wasafiri. Amen


Sometimes life gives you a lot of reasons to give up. But as youth let's always take our challenges as opportunities to move forward. Take every moment everyday to think who your and what you real want in life. Don't say am trying but always say am doing. Make a step and come out forward show the world your skills that God granted you with.